Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

🟨 Minimal build system where builds are described in C++

Build uses C++ to imperatively describe a sequence of build operations.


  • Describe builds in a .cpp file
  • Integrates with SC-Package from Tools to download dependencies
  • Generate XCode 14+ Projects
    • Generate app bundle icon and storyboard
    • Link locally defined LLDB debug visualizer
  • Generate Visual Studio 2022 Projects
    • Link locally defined .natvis debug visualizer
  • Generate Makefile for Linux and Apple (macOS / iOS) targets
    • Generates compile_commands.json for VSCode


Build is currently used to generate test and example projects of this repository.
It has a limited set of features but it can be used to describe simple projects that have no dependencies between them.
Features will be added as needed.


Build C++ files (named by convention SC-build.cpp) are compiled the fly and they generate project files for existing build systems.
In the future the plan is to allow also the system to run standalone directly invoking compilers to produce libraries and executables. Projects are generated by invoking ./ build or SC.bat build.

Check the Tools page for more details on build.

This is for example the Tools/SC-build.cpp file for the SCTest test suite and the SCExample:

// Copyright (c) Stefano Cristiano
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "SC-build.h"
namespace SC
namespace Tools
[[nodiscard]] Result installSokol(const Build::Directories& directories, Package& package)
Download download;
download.packagesCacheDirectory = directories.packagesCacheDirectory;
download.packagesInstallDirectory = directories.packagesInstallDirectory;
download.packageName = "sokol";
download.packageVersion = "9148922";
download.url = "";
download.isGitClone = true;
download.createLink = false;
package.packageBaseName = "sokol";
CustomFunctions functions;
functions.testFunction = &verifyGitCommitHash;
SC_TRY(packageInstall(download, package, functions));
return Result(true);
[[nodiscard]] Result installDearImGui(const Build::Directories& directories, Package& package)
Download download;
download.packagesCacheDirectory = directories.packagesCacheDirectory;
download.packagesInstallDirectory = directories.packagesInstallDirectory;
download.packageName = "dear-imgui";
download.packageVersion = "ae6cfd3";
download.url = "";
download.isGitClone = true;
download.createLink = false;
package.packageBaseName = "dear-imgui";
CustomFunctions functions;
functions.testFunction = &verifyGitCommitHash;
SC_TRY(packageInstall(download, package, functions));
return Result(true);
} // namespace Tools
namespace Build
SC_COMPILER_WARNING_PUSH_UNUSED_RESULT; // Doing some optimistic coding here, ignoring all failures
void addSaneCppLibraries(Project& project, const Parameters& parameters)
// Files
project.addDirectory("Bindings/c", "**.cpp"); // add all cpp support files for c bindings
project.addDirectory("Bindings/c", "**.c"); // add all c bindings
project.addDirectory("Bindings/c", "**.h"); // add all c bindings
project.addDirectory("Libraries", "**.cpp"); // recursively add all cpp files
project.addDirectory("Libraries", "**.h"); // recursively add all header files
project.addDirectory("Libraries", "**.inl"); // recursively add all inline files
project.addDirectory("LibrariesExtra", "**.h"); // recursively add all header files
project.addDirectory("LibrariesExtra", "**.cpp"); // recursively add all cpp files
project.addDirectory("Support/DebugVisualizers", "*.cpp"); // add debug visualizers
// Libraries to link
if (parameters.platform == Platform::Apple)
{{"CoreFoundation", "CoreServices"});
if (parameters.platform != Platform::Windows)
{{"dl", "pthread"});
// Debug visualization helpers
if (parameters.generator == Generator::VisualStudio2022)
project.addDirectory("Support/DebugVisualizers/MSVC", "*.natvis");
project.addDirectory("Support/DebugVisualizers/LLDB", "*");
static constexpr StringView TEST_PROJECT_NAME = "SCTest";
Result buildTestProject(const Parameters& parameters, Project& project)
project = {TargetType::ConsoleExecutable, TEST_PROJECT_NAME};
// All relative paths are evaluated from this project root directory.
// Project Configurations
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::Debug, parameters);
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::Release, parameters);
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::DebugCoverage, parameters);
// Defines
// $(PROJECT_ROOT) expands to Project::setRootDirectory expressed relative to $(PROJECT_DIR)
project.compile.defines.append({"SC_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROJECT_ROOT)", "SC_COMPILER_ENABLE_CONFIG=1"});
// Includes
".", // Libraries path (for PluginTest)
"Tests/SCTest", // SCConfig.h path (enabled by SC_COMPILER_ENABLE_CONFIG == 1)
addSaneCppLibraries(project, parameters);
project.addDirectory("Tests/SCTest", "*.cpp"); // add all .cpp from SCTest directory
project.addDirectory("Tests/SCTest", "*.h"); // add all .h from SCTest directory
project.addDirectory("Tools", "SC-*.cpp"); // add all tools
project.addDirectory("Tools", "*.h"); // add tools headers
project.addDirectory("Tools", "*Test.cpp"); // add tools tests
return Result(true);
static constexpr StringView EXAMPLE_PROJECT_NAME = "SCExample";
Result buildExampleProject(const Parameters& parameters, Project& project)
project = {TargetType::GUIApplication, EXAMPLE_PROJECT_NAME};
// All relative paths are evaluated from this project root directory.
// Project icon (currently used only by Xcode backend)
project.iconPath = "Documentation/Doxygen/SC.svg";
// Install dependencies
Tools::Package sokol;
SC_TRY(Tools::installSokol(parameters.directories, sokol));
Tools::Package imgui;
SC_TRY(Tools::installDearImGui(parameters.directories, imgui));
// Add includes
project.compile.includePaths.append({".", sokol.packageLocalDirectory.view(), imgui.packageLocalDirectory.view()});
// Project Configurations
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::Debug, parameters);
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::Release, parameters);
project.addPresetConfiguration(Configuration::Preset::DebugCoverage, parameters);
addSaneCppLibraries(project, parameters); // add all SC Libraries
project.removeFiles("Bindings/c", "*"); // remove all bindings
project.removeFiles("Libraries", "**Test.cpp"); // remove all tests
project.removeFiles("LibrariesExtra", "**Test.cpp"); // remove all tests
project.removeFiles("Support", "**Test.cpp"); // remove all tests
project.addDirectory(imgui.packageLocalDirectory.view(), "*.cpp");
project.addDirectory(sokol.packageLocalDirectory.view(), "*.h");
String imguiRelative, imguiDefine;
SC_TRY(Path::relativeFromTo(project.rootDirectory.view(), imgui.packageLocalDirectory.view(), imguiRelative,
SC_TRY(StringBuilder(imguiDefine).format("SC_IMGUI_PATH=$(PROJECT_ROOT)/{}", imguiRelative));
project.compile.defines.append({"SC_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PROJECT_ROOT)", imguiDefine.view()});
if (parameters.platform == Platform::Apple)
project.addDirectory("Examples/SCExample", "*.m"); // add all .m from SCExample directory{"Metal", "MetalKit", "QuartzCore"});{"Cocoa"});{"UIKit", "Foundation"});
project.addDirectory("Examples/SCExample", "*.c"); // add all .c from SCExample directory
if (parameters.platform == Platform::Linux)
{{"GL", "EGL", "X11", "Xi", "Xcursor"});
if (parameters.platform == Platform::Windows)
project.compile.defines.append({"IMGUI_API=__declspec( dllexport )"});
project.addDirectory("Examples/SCExample", "**.h"); // add all .h from SCExample directory recursively
project.addDirectory("Examples/SCExample", "**.cpp"); // add all .cpp from SCExample directory recursively
return Result(true);
Result configure(Definition& definition, const Parameters& parameters)
Workspace workspace = {"SCTest"};
SC_TRY(buildTestProject(parameters, workspace.projects[0]));
SC_TRY(buildExampleProject(parameters, workspace.projects[1]));
return Result(true);
Result executeAction(const Action& action) { return Build::Action::execute(action, configure, TEST_PROJECT_NAME); }
} // namespace Build
} // namespace SC
Pops warning from inside a macro.
Definition: Compiler.h:107
Disables unused-result warning (due to ignoring a return value marked as [[nodiscard]])
Definition: Compiler.h:146
constexpr T && move(T &value)
Converts an lvalue to an rvalue reference.
Definition: Compiler.h:269
#define SC_TRY(expression)
Checks the value of the given expression and if failed, returns this value to caller.
Definition: Result.h:48
@ Debug
Compile for debug, enabling ASAN (if not set on project and never on VStudio)
@ Release
Compile for release.
@ DebugCoverage
Compile for debug, enabling coverage (sets ClangCL for VStudio)
@ VisualStudio2022
Generate projects for Visual Studio 2022.
Definition: Build.h:103
@ ConsoleExecutable
Create console executable program.
Definition: Build.h:228
@ GUIApplication
Create graphical application program.
Definition: Build.h:229
static bool relativeFromTo(StringView source, StringView destination, String &output, Type type, Type outputType=AsNative)
Get relative path that appended to source resolves to destination.

The abstraction is described by the following (top-down) hierarchy:

Class Description
SC::Build::Definition Top level build description holding all Workspace objects.
SC::Build::Workspace Groups multiple Project together with shared compile and link flags.
SC::Build::Project Groups multiple Configuration and source files with their compile and link flags.
SC::Build::Configuration Groups SC::Build::CompileFlags and SC::Build::LinkFlags for a given SC::Build::Architecture.

Some additional types allow describing detailed properties of the build:

Class Description
SC::Build::Platform Build Platform (Operating System)
SC::Build::Architecture Build Architecture (Processor / Instruction set)
SC::Build::Generator Build system generator (Xcode / Visual Studio)
SC::Build::Optimization Optimization level (Debug / Release)
SC::Build::CompileFlags Compile flags (include paths, preprocessor defines etc.)
SC::Build::LinkFlags Link flags (library paths, libraries to link, etc.)


This is the list of videos that have been recorded showing some of the internal thoughts that have been going into this library:


Some relevant blog posts are:


Check the Tools page for more details on build.

So far the entire build configuration is created in C++ but each invocation with a different set of "build parameters" it's building a data structure that is free of conditionals, as they've been evaluated by the imperative code. Such "post-configure" build settings could be serialized to JSON (or using binary Serialization) or to any other declarative format if needed.


🟩 Usable Features:

  • Remove any left-over hardcoded setting
  • Describe more project types (dynamic libraries, static libraries etc.)
  • Describe dependencies between targets
  • Allow nested builds (where the root script should compile child scripts found down the path)
  • Allow different compile flags per each single file

🟦 Complete Features:

  • ninja backend
  • Self-hosted backend (no need for make, ninja, xcodebuild or msbuild)
  • Generate ready to debug projects for the build program itself
  • Describe very complex builds (like LLVM)

💡 Unplanned Features:

  • Compile scripts to WASM so that they can't run arbitrary code