Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

🟨 Async I/O (files, sockets, timers, processes, fs events, threads wake-up)

Async is a multi-platform / event-driven asynchronous I/O library.

It exposes async programming model for common IO operations like reading / writing to / from a file or tcp socket.

Synchronous I/O operations could block the current thread of execution for an undefined amount of time, making it difficult to scale an application to a large number of concurrent operations, or to coexist with other even loop, like for example a GUI event loop. Such async programming model uses a common pattern, where the call fills an AsyncRequest with the required data. The AsyncRequest is added to an AsyncEventLoop that will queue the request to some low level OS IO queue. The event loop can then monitor all the requests in a single call to SC::AsyncEventLoop::run, SC::AsyncEventLoop::runOnce or SC::AsyncEventLoop::runNoWait. These three different run methods cover different integration use cases of the event loop inside of an applications.

The kernel Async API used on each operating systems are the following:

  • IOCP on Windows
  • kqueue on macOS
  • epoll on Linux
  • io_uring on Linux (dynamically loading liburing)
If liburing is not available on the system, the library will transparently fallback to epoll.

If an async operation is not supported by the OS, the caller can provide a SC::ThreadPool to run it on a thread. See SC::AsyncFileRead / SC::AsyncFileWrite for an example.

Check Async Streams for an higher level construct when streaming data


This is the list of supported async operations:

Async Operation Description
AsyncSocketConnect Starts a socket connect operation, connecting to a remote endpoint.
AsyncSocketAccept Starts a socket accept operation, obtaining a new socket from a listening socket.
AsyncSocketSend Starts a socket send operation, sending bytes to a remote endpoint.
AsyncSocketReceive Starts a socket receive operation, receiving bytes from a remote endpoint.
AsyncSocketClose Starts a socket close operation.
AsyncFileRead Starts a file read operation, reading bytes from a file (or pipe).
AsyncFileWrite Starts a file write operation, writing bytes to a file (or pipe).
AsyncFileClose Starts a file close operation, closing the OS file descriptor.
AsyncLoopTimeout Starts a Timeout that is invoked only once after expiration (relative) time has passed.
AsyncLoopWakeUp Starts a wake-up operation, allowing threads to execute callbacks on loop thread.
AsyncLoopWork Executes work in a thread pool and then invokes a callback on the event loop thread.
AsyncProcessExit Starts monitoring a process, notifying about its termination.
AsyncFilePoll Starts an handle polling operation.


This is usable but needs some more testing and a few more features.


This is the list of videos that have been recorded showing some of the internal thoughts that have been going into this library:


Some relevant blog posts are:


An async operation is struct derived from AsyncRequest asking for some I/O to be done made to the OS.
Every async operation has an associated callback that is invoked when the request is fulfilled. If the start function returns a valid (non error) Return code, then the user callback will be called both in case of success and in case of any error.
If the function returns an invalid Return code or if the operation is manually cancelled with SC::AsyncRequest::stop, then the user callback will not be called.

The memory address of all AsyncRequest derived objects must be stable until user callback is executed.
  • If request is not re-activated (i.e. result.reactivateRequest(true) is NOT called) then the async request can be freed as soon as the user callback is called (even inside the callback itself).
  • If request is re-activated (i.e. result.reactivateRequest(true) is called) then the async cannot be freed as it's still in use.

Some implementation details: SC::AsyncRequest::state dictates the lifetime of the async request according to a state machine.

Regular Lifetime of an Async request (called just async in the paragraph below):

  1. An async that has been started, will be pushed in the submission queue with state == State::Setup.
  2. Inside stageSubmission a started async will be do the one time setup (with setupAsync)
  3. Inside stageSubmission a Setup or Submitting async will be activated (with activateAsync)
  4. If activateAsync is successful, the async becomes state == State::Active.
    • When this happens, the async is either tracked by the kernel or in one of the linked lists like activeLoopWakeUps
  5. The Active async can become completed, when the kernel signals its completion (or readiness...):
    • [default] -> Async is complete and it will be teardown and freed (state == State::Free)
    • result.reactivateRequest(true) -> Async gets submitted again (state == State::Submitting) (3.)

Cancellation of an async: An async can be cancelled at any time:

  1. Async not yet submitted in State::Setup --> it just gets removed from the submission queue
  2. Async in submission queue but already setup --> it will receive a teardownAsync
  3. Async in Active state (so after setupAsync and activateAsync) --> will receive cancelAsync and teardownAsync

Any other case is considered an error (trying to cancel an async already being cancelled or being teardown).


Asynchronous I/O (files, sockets, timers, processes, fs events, threads wake-up) (see Async) AsyncEventLoop pushes all AsyncRequest derived classes to I/O queues in the OS.

See also
AsyncEventLoopMonitor can be used to integrate AsyncEventLoop with a GUI event loop

Basic lifetime for an event loop is:

AsyncEventLoop eventLoop;
SC_TRY(eventLoop.create()); // Create OS specific queue handles
// ...
// Add all needed AsyncRequest
// ...
// ...
// Here all AsyncRequest have either finished or have been stopped
// ...
SC_TRY(eventLoop.close()); // Free OS specific queue handles
#define SC_TRY(expression)
Checks the value of the given expression and if failed, returns this value to caller.
Definition: Result.h:48

Run modes

Event loop can be run in different ways to allow integrated it in multiple ways in applications.

Run mode Description
SC::AsyncEventLoop::run Blocks until there are no more active queued requests, dispatching all completions. It's useful for applications where the eventLoop is the only (or the main) loop. One example could be a console based app doing socket IO or a web server. Waiting on kernel events blocks the current thread with 0% CPU utilization.
See also
AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll to integrate the loop with a GUI event loop

Blocks until at least one request proceeds, ensuring forward progress, dispatching all completions. It's useful for application where it's needed to run some idle work after every IO event. Waiting on requests blocks the current thread with 0% CPU utilization.

This function is a shortcut invoking async event loop building blocks:

  • AsyncEventLoop::submitRequests
  • AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll
  • AsyncEventLoop::dispatchCompletions
    See also
    AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll for a description on how to integrate AsyncEventLoop with another event loop
SC::AsyncEventLoop::runNoWait Process active requests if any, dispatching their completions, or returns immediately without blocking. It's useful for game-like applications where the event loop runs every frame and one would like to check and dispatch its I/O callbacks in-between frames. This call allows poll-checking I/O without blocking.
See also
AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll to integrate the loop with a GUI event loop

Alternatively user can explicitly use three methods to submit, poll and dispatch events. This is very useful to integrate the event loop into applications with other event loops (for example GUI applications).

Run mode Description

Submits all queued async requests. An AsyncRequest becomes queued after user calls its specific AsyncRequest::start method.

See also
AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll for a description on how to integrate AsyncEventLoop with another event loop

Blocks until at least one event happens, ensuring forward progress, without executing completions. It's one of the three building blocks of AsyncEventLoop::runOnce allowing co-operation of AsyncEventLoop within another event loop (for example a GUI event loop or another IO event loop).

One possible example of such integration with a GUI event loop could:

  • Call AsyncEventLoop::submitRequests on the GUI thread to queue some requests
  • Call AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll on a secondary thread, storying AsyncKernelEvents
  • Wake up the GUI event loop from the secondary thread after AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll returns
  • Call AsyncEventLoop:dispatchCompletions on the GUI event loop to dispatch callbacks on GUI thread
  • Repeat all steps

Waiting on requests blocks the current thread with 0% CPU utilization.

kernelEventsMandatory parameter to store kernel IO events WITHOUT running their completions. In that case user is expected to run completions passing it to AsyncEventLoop::dispatchCompletions.
See also
AsyncEventLoop::submitRequests sends async requests to kernel before calling blockingPoll
AsyncEventLoop::dispatchCompletions invokes callbacks associated with kernel events after blockingPoll
AsyncEventLoop::setListeners sets function called before and after entering kernel poll
SC::AsyncEventLoop::dispatchCompletions Invokes completions for the AsyncKernelEvents collected by a call to AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll. This is typically done when user wants to pool for events on a thread (calling AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll) and dispatch the callbacks on another thread (calling AsyncEventLoop::dispatchCompletions). The typical example would be integrating AsyncEventLoop with a GUI event loop.
See also
AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll for a description on how to integrate AsyncEventLoop with another event loop


Monitors Async I/O events from a background thread using a blocking kernel function (no CPU usage on idle). AsyncEventLoopMonitor makes it easy to integrate AsyncEventLoop within a GUI event loop or another I/O event loop. This pattern avoids constantly polling the kernel, using virtually 0% of CPU time when waiting for events.

Functions Description
SC::AsyncEventLoopMonitor::startMonitoring Queue all async requests submissions and start monitoring loop events on a background thread. On the background thread AsyncEventLoop::blockingPoll will block (with 0% CPU usage) and return only when it will be informed by the kernel of some new events. Immediately after AsyncEventLoopMonitor::onNewEventsAvailable will be called (on the background thread). In the code handler associated with this event, the user/caller should inform its main thread to call AsyncEventLoopMonitor::stopMonitoringAndDispatchCompletions.
SC::AsyncEventLoopMonitor::stopMonitoringAndDispatchCompletions Stops monitoring events on the background thread and dispatches callbacks for completed requests. This is typically called by the user of this class on the main thread or in general on the thread where the event loop that coordinates the application lives (GUI thread typically or another I/O Event Loop thread).
In some cases this method will also immediately submit new requests that have been queued by callbacks.


Starts a Timeout that is invoked only once after expiration (relative) time has passed.

For a periodic timeout, call AsyncLoopTimeout::Result::reactivateRequest(true) in the completion callback
// Create a timeout that will be called after 200 milliseconds
// AsyncLoopTimeout must be valid until callback is called
AsyncLoopTimeout timeout;
timeout.callback = [&](AsyncLoopTimeout::Result& res)
console.print("My timeout has been called!");
if (someCondition) // Optionally re-activate the timeout if needed
// Schedule the timeout callback to fire again 100 ms from now
res.getAsync().relativeTimeout = Time::Milliseconds(100);
// Start the timeout, that will be called 200 ms from now
SC_TRY(timeout.start(eventLoop, 200_ms));


Starts a wake-up operation, allowing threads to execute callbacks on loop thread.
SC::AsyncLoopWakeUp::callback will be invoked on the thread running SC::AsyncEventLoop::run (or its variations) after SC::AsyncLoopWakeUp::wakeUp has been called.

There is no guarantee that after calling AsyncLoopWakeUp::start the callback has actually finished execution. An optional SC::EventObject passed to SC::AsyncLoopWakeUp::start can be used for synchronization
// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
// This code runs on some different thread from the one calling SC::AsyncEventLoop::run.
// The callback is invoked from the thread calling SC::AsyncEventLoop::run
AsyncLoopWakeUp wakeUp; // Memory lifetime must be valid until callback is called
wakeUp.callback = [&](AsyncLoopWakeUp::Result& result)
console.print("My wakeUp has been called!");
result.reactivateRequest(true); // To allow waking-up again later

An EventObject can be wait-ed to synchronize further actions from the thread invoking the wake up request, ensuring that the callback has finished its execution.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
// This code runs on some different thread from the one calling SC::AsyncEventLoop::run.
// The callback is invoked from the thread calling SC::AsyncEventLoop::run
AsyncLoopWakeUp wakeUpWaiting; // Memory lifetime must be valid until callback is called
wakeUpWaiting.callback = [&](AsyncLoopWakeUp::Result& result)
console.print("My wakeUp has been called!");
result.reactivateRequest(true); // To allow waking-up it again later
EventObject eventObject;
SC_TRY(wakeUpWaiting.start(eventLoop, &eventObject));
eventObject.wait(); // Wait until callback has been fully run inside event loop thread
// From here on we know for sure that callback has been called


Executes work in a thread pool and then invokes a callback on the event loop thread.
AsyncLoopWork::work is invoked on one of the thread supplied by the ThreadPool passed during AsyncLoopWork::start. AsyncLoopWork::callback will be called as a completion, on the event loop thread AFTER work callback is finished.

// This test creates a thread pool with 4 thread and 16 AsyncLoopWork.
// All the 16 AsyncLoopWork are scheduled to do some work on a background thread.
// After work is done, their respective after-work callback is invoked on the event loop thread.
static constexpr int NUM_THREADS = 4;
static constexpr int NUM_WORKS = NUM_THREADS * NUM_THREADS;
ThreadPool threadPool;
AsyncEventLoop eventLoop;
AsyncLoopWork works[NUM_WORKS];
int numAfterWorkCallbackCalls = 0;
Atomic<int> numWorkCallbackCalls = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < NUM_WORKS; ++idx)
works[idx].work = [&]
// This work callback is called on some random threadPool thread
Thread::Sleep(50); // Execute some work on the thread
numWorkCallbackCalls.fetch_add(1); // Atomically increment this counter
return Result(true);
works[idx].callback = [&](AsyncLoopWork::Result&)
// This after-work callback is invoked on the event loop thread.
// More precisely this runs on the thread calling
numAfterWorkCallbackCalls++; // No need for atomics here, callback is run inside loop thread
// Must always call setThreadPool at least once before start
int numRequests = 0;
eventLoop.enumerateRequests([&](AsyncRequest&) { numRequests++; });
// Check that callbacks have been actually called
SC_TEST_EXPECT(numWorkCallbackCalls.load() == NUM_WORKS);
SC_TEST_EXPECT(numAfterWorkCallbackCalls == NUM_WORKS);
#define SC_TEST_EXPECT(e)
Records a test expectation (eventually aborting or breaking o n failed test)
Definition: Testing.h:113


Starts monitoring a process, notifying about its termination. Process library can be used to start a process and obtain the native process handle.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
Process process;
SC_TRY(process.launch({"executable", "--parameter"}));
ProcessDescriptor::Handle processHandle;
SC_TRY(process.handle.get(processHandle, Result::Error("Invalid Handle")));
AsyncProcessExit processExit; // Memory lifetime must be valid until callback is called
processExit.callback = [&](AsyncProcessExit::Result& res)
ProcessDescriptor::ExitStatus exitStatus;
console.print("Process Exit status = {}", exitStatus.status);
SC_TRY(processExit.start(eventLoop, processHandle));


Starts a socket accept operation, obtaining a new socket from a listening socket.
The callback is called with a new socket connected to the given listening endpoint will be returned.
Socket library can be used to create a Socket but the socket should be created with SC::SocketFlags::NonBlocking and associated to the event loop with SC::AsyncEventLoop::associateExternallyCreatedTCPSocket.
Alternatively SC::AsyncEventLoop::createAsyncTCPSocket creates and associates the socket to the loop.

To continue accepting new socket SC::AsyncResult::reactivateRequest must be called.
// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
// Create a listening socket
constexpr uint32_t numWaitingConnections = 2;
SocketDescriptor serverSocket;
uint16_t tcpPort = 5050;
SocketIPAddress nativeAddress;
SC_TRY(nativeAddress.fromAddressPort("", tcpPort));
SC_TRY(eventLoop.createAsyncTCPSocket(nativeAddress.getAddressFamily(), serverSocket));
SocketServer server(serverSocket);
// Accept connect for new clients
AsyncSocketAccept accept;
accept.callback = [&](AsyncSocketAccept::Result& res)
SocketDescriptor client;
// something with new client
console.printLine("New client connected!");
res.reactivateRequest(true); // We want to receive more clients
SC_TRY(accept.start(eventLoop, serverSocket));
// ... at some later point
// Stop accepting new clients
unsigned int uint32_t
Platform independent (4) bytes unsigned int.
Definition: PrimitiveTypes.h:38
unsigned short uint16_t
Platform independent (2) bytes unsigned int.
Definition: PrimitiveTypes.h:37


Starts a socket connect operation, connecting to a remote endpoint.
Callback will be called when the given socket is connected to ipAddress.
Socket library can be used to create a Socket but the socket should be created with SC::SocketFlags::NonBlocking and associated to the event loop with SC::AsyncEventLoop::associateExternallyCreatedTCPSocket.
Alternatively SC::AsyncEventLoop::createAsyncTCPSocket creates and associates the socket to the loop.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
SocketIPAddress localHost;
SC_TRY(localHost.fromAddressPort("", 5050)); // Connect to some host and port
AsyncSocketConnect connect;
SocketDescriptor client;
SC_TRY(eventLoop.createAsyncTCPSocket(localHost.getAddressFamily(), client));
connect.callback = [&](AsyncSocketConnect::Result& res)
if (res.isValid())
// Do something with client that is now connected
console.printLine("Client connected");
SC_TRY(connect.start(eventLoop, client, localHost));


Starts a socket send operation, sending bytes to a remote endpoint. Callback will be called when the given socket is ready to send more data.
Socket library can be used to create a Socket but the socket should be created with SC::SocketFlags::NonBlocking and associated to the event loop with SC::AsyncEventLoop::associateExternallyCreatedTCPSocket or though AsyncSocketAccept.
Alternatively SC::AsyncEventLoop::createAsyncTCPSocket creates and associates the socket to the loop.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named `eventLoop`
// and a connected or accepted socket named `client`
// ...
const char sendBuffer[] = {123, 111};
// The memory pointed by the span must be valid until callback is called
Span<const char> sendData = {sendBuffer, sizeof(sendBuffer)};
AsyncSocketSend sendAsync;
sendAsync.callback = [&](AsyncSocketSend::Result& res)
// Now we could free the data pointed by span and queue new data
console.printLine("Ready to send more data");
SC_TRY(sendAsync.start(eventLoop, client, sendData));


Starts a socket receive operation, receiving bytes from a remote endpoint. Callback will be called when some data is read from socket.
Socket library can be used to create a Socket but the socket should be created with SC::SocketFlags::NonBlocking and associated to the event loop with SC::AsyncEventLoop::associateExternallyCreatedTCPSocket or though AsyncSocketAccept.
Alternatively SC::AsyncEventLoop::createAsyncTCPSocket creates and associates the socket to the loop.

Additional notes:

  • SC::AsyncSocketReceive::CompletionData::disconnected will be set to true when client disconnects
// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named `eventLoop`
// and a connected or accepted socket named `client`
// ...
char receivedData[100] = {0}; // A buffer to hold data read from the socket
AsyncSocketReceive receiveAsync;
receiveAsync.callback = [&](AsyncSocketReceive::Result& res)
Span<char> readData;
// Last callback invocation done when other side of the socket has disconnected.
// - completionData.disconnected is == true
// - readData.sizeInBytes() is == 0
console.print("Client disconnected");
// readData is a slice of receivedData with the received bytes
console.print("{} bytes have been read", readData.sizeInBytes());
// IMPORTANT: Reactivate the request to receive more data
// Some error occurred, check res.returnCode
SC_TRY(receiveAsync.start(eventLoop, client, {receivedData, sizeof(receivedData)}));


Starts a socket close operation. Callback will be called when the socket has been fully closed.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named `eventLoop`
// and a connected or accepted socket named `client`
// ...
AsyncSocketClose asyncClose;
asyncClose.callback = [&](AsyncSocketClose::Result& result)
console.printLine("Socket was closed successfully");
SC_TRY(asyncClose.start(eventLoop, client));


Starts a file read operation, reading bytes from a file (or pipe). Callback will be called when the data read from the file (or pipe) is available.
Call AsyncRequest::setThreadPoolAndTask to set a thread pool if this is a buffered file and not a pipe. This is important on APIs with blocking behaviour on buffered file I/O (all apis with the exception of io_uring).

File library can be used to open the file and obtain a file (or pipe) descriptor handle.

Pipes or files opened using Posix O_DIRECT or Windows FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH & FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING should instead avoid using the Task parameter for best performance.

When not using the Task remember to:

Additional notes:

  • When reactivating the AsyncRequest, remember to increment the offset (SC::AsyncFileRead::offset)
  • SC::AsyncFileRead::CompletionData::endOfFile signals end of file reached
// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named `eventLoop`
// ...
// Assuming an already created threadPool named `eventLoop
// ...
// Open the file
FileDescriptor fd;
File::OpenOptions options;
options.blocking = true; // AsyncFileRead::Task enables using regular blocking file descriptors
SC_TRY(File(fd).open("MyFile.txt", File::ReadOnly, options));
// Create the async file read request and async task
AsyncFileRead asyncReadFile;
asyncReadFile.callback = [&](AsyncFileRead::Result& res)
Span<char> readData;
// Last callback invocation done when end of file has been reached
// - completionData.endOfFile is == true
// - readData.sizeInBytes() is == 0
console.print("End of file reached");
// readData is a slice of receivedData with the received bytes
console.print("Read {} bytes from file", readData.sizeInBytes());
// OPTIONAL: Update file offset to receive a different range of bytes
res.getAsync().setOffset(res.getAsync().getOffset() + readData.sizeInBytes());
// IMPORTANT: Reactivate the request to receive more data
// Some error occurred, check res.returnCode
char buffer[100] = {0};
asyncReadFile.buffer = {buffer, sizeof(buffer)};
// Obtain file descriptor handle and associate it with event loop
SC_TRY(fd.get(asyncReadFile.fileDescriptor, Result::Error("Invalid handle")));
// Start the operation on a thread pool
AsyncFileRead::Task asyncFileTask;
SC_TRY(asyncReadFile.setThreadPoolAndTask(threadPool, asyncFileTask));
// Alternatively if the file is opened with blocking == false, AsyncFileRead can be omitted
// but the operation will not be fully async on regular (buffered) files, except on io_uring.
// SC_TRY(asyncReadFile.start(eventLoop));


Starts a file write operation, writing bytes to a file (or pipe). Callback will be called when the file is ready to receive more bytes to write.
Call AsyncRequest::setThreadPoolAndTask to set a thread pool if this is a buffered file and not a pipe. This is important on APIs with blocking behaviour on buffered file I/O (all apis with the exception of io_uring).

File library can be used to open the file and obtain a blocking or non-blocking file descriptor handle.

Pipes or files opened using Posix O_DIRECT or Windows FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH & FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING should instead avoid using the Task parameter for best performance.

When not using the Task remember to:

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named `eventLoop`
// ...
// Assuming an already created threadPool named `threadPool`
// ...
// Open the file (for write)
File::OpenOptions options;
options.blocking = true; // AsyncFileWrite::Task enables using regular blocking file descriptors
FileDescriptor fd;
SC_TRY(File(fd).open("MyFile.txt", File::WriteCreateTruncate, options));
// Create the async file write request
AsyncFileWrite asyncWriteFile;
asyncWriteFile.callback = [&](AsyncFileWrite::Result& res)
size_t writtenBytes = 0;
console.print("{} bytes have been written", writtenBytes);
// Obtain file descriptor handle
SC_TRY(fd.get(asyncWriteFile.fileDescriptor, Result::Error("Invalid Handle")));
asyncWriteFile.buffer = StringView("test").toCharSpan();;
// Start the operation in a thread pool
AsyncFileWrite::Task asyncFileTask;
SC_TRY(asyncWriteFile.setThreadPoolAndTask(threadPool, asyncFileTask));
// Alternatively if the file is opened with blocking == false, AsyncFileRead can be omitted
// but the operation will not be fully async on regular (buffered) files, except on io_uring.
// SC_TRY(asyncWriteFile.start(eventLoop));


Starts a file close operation, closing the OS file descriptor. Callback will be called when the file is actually closed.
File library can be used to open the file and obtain a blocking or non-blocking file descriptor handle.

// Assuming an already created (and running) AsyncEventLoop named eventLoop
// ...
// Open a file and associated it with event loop
FileDescriptor fd;
File::OpenOptions options;
options.blocking = false;
SC_TRY(File(fd).open("MyFile.txt", File::WriteCreateTruncate, options));
// Create the file close request
FileDescriptor::Handle handle;
SC_TRY(fd.get(handle, Result::Error("handle")));
AsyncFileClose asyncFileClose;
asyncFileClose.callback = [&](AsyncFileClose::Result& result)
console.printLine("File was closed successfully");
SC_TRY(asyncFileClose.start(eventLoop, handle));


Starts an handle polling operation. Uses GetOverlappedResult (windows), kevent (macOS), epoll (Linux) and io_uring (Linux). Callback will be called when any of the three API signals readiness events on the given file descriptor. Check File System Watcher for an example usage of this notification.


Library abstracts async operations by exposing a completion based mechanism. This mechanism currently maps on kqueue on macOS and OVERLAPPED on Windows.

It currently tries to dynamically load io_uring on Linux doing an epoll backend fallback in case liburing is not available on the system. There is not need to link liburing because the library loads it dynamically and embeds the minimal set of static inline functions needed to interface with it.

The api works on file and socket descriptors, that can be obtained from the File and Socket libraries.

Memory allocation

The entire library is free of allocations, as it uses a double linked list inside SC::AsyncRequest.
Caller is responsible for keeping AsyncRequest-derived objects memory stable until async callback is called.
SC::ArenaMap from the Containers can be used to preallocate a bounded pool of Async objects.


🟩 Usable Features:

  • More comprehensive test suite, testing all cancellations
  • FS operations (open stat read write unlink copyfile mkdir chmod etc.)
  • UDP Send/Receive
  • DNS Resolution

🟦 Complete Features:

  • TTY with ANSI Escape Codes

💡 Unplanned Features:

  • Signal handling