Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

🟨 Generic containers (SC::Vector, SC::SmallVector, SC::Array etc.)

Containers is a library holding some commonly used generic data structures.


Class Description
SC::Vector A contiguous sequence of heap allocated elements.
SC::Array A contiguous sequence of elements kept inside its inline storage.
SC::SmallVector A Vector that can hold up to N elements inline and > N on heap.
SC::VectorMap A map holding VectorMapItem key-value pairs in an unsorted Vector.
SC::VectorSet A set built on an unsorted Vector, ensuring no item duplication.
SC::ArenaMap A sparse vector keeping objects at a stable memory location.
SC::IntrusiveDoubleLinkedList An Intrusive Double Linked List.


SC::Vector, SC::Array and friends should be reasonably stable.


Generic data structures are a fundamental building blocks for almost every application.
These are some of commonly used ones for common tasks, and the library will grow adding what's needed.

SC::Vector is the king of all generic containers for this library, being in many case the main backend storage for other containers.

SC::Array mimics all methods of SC::Vector but it's guaranteed never to allocate on heap.
All methods are designed to fail with a [[nodiscard]] return value when the container is full.

SC::SmallVector is the middle ground between SC::Array and SC::Vector.
It's a vector with inline storage for N elements, deriving from SC::Vector and it's designed to be passed everywhere a reference to SC::Vector is needed. This allows the caller to get rid of temporary heap allocations if an estimate of the space required is already known or if it's possible providing a reasonable default.
If this estimation is wrong, heap allocation will happen.


A contiguous sequence of heap allocated elements.

Template Parameters
TType of single vector element

All methods of SC::Vector that can fail, return a [[nodiscard]] bool (example SC::Vector::push_back).
Assignment and Copy / move construct operators will just assert as they can't return a failure code.
memcpy is used to optimize copies when T is a memcpy-able object.

Use SC::SmallVector everywhere a SC::Vector reference is needed if the upper bound size of required elements is known to get rid of unnecessary heap allocations.


Vector<int> myVector;
console.print("[0]={}", myVector[0]);
console.print("Vector<int> is {}", myVector.isEmpty() ? "empty" : "not empty");
#define SC_TRY(expression)
Checks the value of the given expression and if failed, returns this value to caller.
Definition: Result.h:48


A contiguous sequence of elements kept inside its inline storage.

Template Parameters
TType of single element of the Array
NNumber of elements contained inside this Array inline storage

SC::Array is like a SC::Vector but it will only allow up to N elements in the array, using inline storage, without resorting to heap allocation.
Trying to push or insert more than N elements will fail.
Only up to SC::Array::size elements are valid (and N - size() are initialized).


Array<int, 3> myVector;
(void)myVector.push_back(4); // <-- This will fail
(void)myVector.pop_front(); // <-- This will fail
console.print("Array<int, 3> is {}", myVector.isEmpty() ? "empty" : "not empty");


A Vector that can hold up to N elements inline and > N on heap.

Template Parameters
TType of single vector element
NNumber of elements kept inline to avoid heap allocation

SC::SmallVector is like SC::Vector but it will do heap allocation once more than N elements are needed.
When the size() becomes less than N the container will switch back using memory coming from inline storage.

SC::SmallVector derives from SC::Vector and it can be passed everywhere a reference to SC::Vector is needed. It can be used to get rid of unnecessary allocations where the upper bound of required elements is known or it can be predicted.


[[nodiscard]] bool pushThreeIntegers(Vector<int>& myVector)
SmallVector<int, 3> mySmallVector;
SC_TRY(pushThreeIntegers(mySmallVector)); // <-- No heap allocation will happen
// ... later on
mySmallVector.push_back(4); // <-- Vector is now moved to heap
// ... later on
mySmallVector.pop_back(); // <-- Vector is moved back to SmallVector inline storage


A map holding VectorMapItem key-value pairs in an unsorted Vector.

Template Parameters
KeyType of the key (must support == comparison)
ValueValue type associated with Key
ContainerContainer used for the Map


VectorMap<String, int> map;
SC_TRY(map.insertIfNotExists({"A", 2})); // Allocates a String
SC_TRY(map.insertIfNotExists({"B", 3})); // Allocates a String
const int* value;
SC_TRY(map.contains("A", value) && *value == 2); // <-- "A" is a StringView, avoiding allocation
SC_TRY(map.contains("B", value) && *value == 3); // <-- "B" is a StringView, avoiding allocation
SC_TRY(not map.contains("C")); // <-- "C" is a StringView, avoiding allocation


A set built on an unsorted Vector, ensuring no item duplication.

Template Parameters
ValueThe contained value
ContainerThe underlying container used


VectorSet<String> setOfStrings;
SC_TRY(setOfStrings.size() == 2);
SC_TRY(setOfStrings.size() == 1);
SC_TRY(not setOfStrings.contains("123"));


A sparse vector keeping objects at a stable memory location.

Template Parameters
TType of items kept in this Arena

SC::ArenaMap is a container used to keep objects memory location stable.
Internally it hold sparse objects inside of a SC::Vector and for this reason it can only be SC::ArenaMap::resize-d when it's empty.
Objects can be inserted up to the SC::ArenaMap::size and insertion returns handle keys allowing to retrieve the inserted object in constant time.


ArenaMap<String> map;
SC_TRY(not map.insert("ASD").isValid());
ArenaMap<String>::Key keys[3];
keys[0] = map.insert("ASD");
SC_TRY(map.size() == 1);
SC_TRY(not map.resize(4)); // cannot resize unless is empty
keys[1] = map.insert("DSA");
keys[2] = map.insert("BDA");
SC_TRY(map.size() == 3);
SC_TRY(not map.insert("123").isValid()); // Arena is full
SC_TRY(map.get(keys[0])->view() == "ASD"); // Get first element
SC_TRY(map.get(keys[1])->view() == "DSA"); // Get second element
SC_TRY(map.get(keys[2])->view() == "BDA"); // Get third element


An Intrusive Double Linked List.

Template Parameters
TThe Type being linked. It must declare two pointers to itself named next and prev.

This is an useful data structure when we want to delegate the allocation strategy to caller.
Both Async and Process use this data structure to store requests.

struct Item
Item* next = nullptr; // <-- Required by IntrusiveDoubleLinkedList
Item* prev = nullptr; // <-- Required by IntrusiveDoubleLinkedList
int data = 0;
IntrusiveDoubleLinkedList<Item> queue;
Item items[2];
items[0].data = 0;
items[1].data = 1;
SC_TRY(not queue.isEmpty());
Item* first = queue.dequeueFront();
SC_TRY(first->data == 0);
SC_TRY(not queue.isEmpty());
Item* second = queue.dequeueFront();
SC_TRY(second->data == 1);


  • SC::SegmentItems is the class representing a variable and contiguous slice of objects backing both SC::Vector and SC::Array.
  • Memory layout of a segment is a SC::SegmentHeaderBase holding size and capacity of the segment followed by the actual elements.
  • SC::SegmentHeaderBase is aligned to uint64_t.
  • SC::Vector and SC::Array use SC::SegmentHeader = SC::SegmentHeaderBase so the SC::SegmentHeader size is 8 bytes.


🟩 Usable Features:

  • Add option to let user disable heap allocations in SC::SmallVector
  • HashMap<T>
  • Map<K, V>

🟦 Complete Features:

  • Explicit control on Segment / Vector allocators

💡 Unplanned Features:

  • None