Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries



All of the examples assume build configure to be already run, as described in Building Contributor:
  • Posix: ./ build configure
  • Windows: SC.bat build configure
Projects will be generated in _Build/_Projects.
After compiling (SC build compile) executables will be at _Build/_Outputs/${platform}-${arch}-${build}-${compiler}-${config}/${EXAMPLE_NAME}.


Property Value
Location Examples/SCExample
Description Simple immediate mode gui application using sokol and dear imgui libraries pausing in absence of inputs and I/O to save CPU time
Purposes Use SC::Build to build on macOS, windows and linux and SC::Async as I/O event Loop
Use Plugin and FileSystemWatcher libraries implementing hot-reload
Prerequisites Linux - Fedora: sudo dnf install mesa-libGL-devel mesa-libEGL-devel libX11-devel libXi-devel libXcursor-devel
Linux - Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev libx11-dev libxi-dev libxcursor-dev
Windows: None
macOS: None
Dependencies sokol and dear-imgui are automatically downloaded during ./ build configure or SC.bat build configure
Run (Posix) ./ build run SCExample (will also compile before running)
Run (Windows) SC.bat build run SCExample (will also compile before running)
Debug (VSCode) Select correct SCExample $ARCH ($PLATFORM) for your system and press Start Debugging (F5)
Debug (XCode) Open _Build/_Projects/XCode/SCExample.xcodeproj and choose Product --> Run
Debug (VS2022) Open _Build/_Projects/VisualStudio2022/SCExample.sln and start Debugging (F5)


Some relevant blog posts are:


Example Description
Serialization Use Reflection and Serialization to persist application state
WebServer Use Http to statically host a website from a specified directory

Where can I find more examples?

  • The test suite is the closest thing to additional examples you can find in this project.
  • The second best thing to do is looking at SC::Tools implementation.
  • Documentation for each library has some examples and / or code snippets that you can look at.

Where can I learn more?

There are many way to learn about the library: