Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

SC::Tools are self contained single C++ source files that are (automatically) compiled on the fly and linked to Sane C++ to be immediately executed.

They leverage the growing shell, system and network programming capabilities of Sane C++ Libraries, by just including the SC.cpp unity build file, that has no third party dependencies (see Building (Contributor)).

Another way to look at them is just as small C++ scripts for which you don't need to setup or maintain a build system, as long as you only use Sane C++ Libraries.

Check the March 2024 Blog update post for more details.

Name is SC::Tools and not SC::Scripts because they're still just small programs.
If the system will be generalized even more, maybe acquiring more advanced capabilities from SC::Plugin and SC::Build or sandboxing capabilities, this naming will be re-evaluated and/or changed.


SC::Tools has been created for the following reasons:

  • Enjoy the coolness of writing C++ scripts
  • Create development tools and automate shell operations in a real programming language
  • Allow C++ programmers to use regular C++ IDE / Debuggers when writing automation / shell scripts
  • Use Sane C++ Libraries for real tasks to improve them and fix bugs:
    • Example: Tools/SC-package.cpp uses SC::Process library to download some third party binary
    • Example: Tools/SC-package.cpp uses SC::Hashing library to check downloads MD5 hash
    • Example: Tools/SC-format.cpp uses SC::FileSystemIterator library to find all files to format in the repo
  • Create portable scripts that can be written once and run (or be debugged) on all platforms
  • Avoid introducing additional dependencies
  • Keep the percentage of C++ code in the repo as high as possible (as a consequence of the above)

Invoking built-in Tools

All built-in tools are invoked with the or SC.bat bootstrap script that is located in the root of the repo.

Such script must be called with the name of the tool and some parameters.

For Example, invoking the Tools\SC-build.cpp tool with configure action:

./ build configure

or (on Windows)

SC.bat build compile
SC::Tools are just regular programs being compiled on the fly when needed, so they require a working host compiler to be available in system path. This limitation could be removed if needed, as described in the Roadmap section.

Invoking custom tools

Tools can be automatically compiled and run by just passing its full path to the SC bootstrap.

Given the following custom tool at myToolDirectory/TestScript.cpp

#include "Libraries/Strings/Console.h"
#include "Tools/Tools.h"
namespace SC
namespace Tools
StringView Tool::getToolName() { return "Test"; }
StringView Tool::getDefaultAction() { return "test"; }
Result Tool::runTool(Tool::Arguments& toolArgs)
toolArgs.console.printLine("Hey This is the output from My Tool!!!");
for(auto arg : toolArgs.arguments)
return Result(true);
} // namespace Tools
} // namespace SC

This is how to invoke the tool with action and some parameters

./ myToolDirectory/TestScript.cpp myAction param1 param2 ..

or (on Windows):

SC.bat myToolDirectory\TestScript.cpp myAction param1 param2 ...

Possible output (Posix):

~/Developer/Projects/SC > ./ TestScript.cpp myAction param1 param2
Starting TestScript
Test "myAction" started
librarySource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC"
toolSource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/Tools"
toolDestination = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build"
Hey This is the output from My Tool!!!
Test "myAction" finished (took 1 ms)

This is the list of tools that currently exist in the Sane C++ repository.


SC-build configures (generating projects) and compiles Sane C++ repository projects using SC::Build.


  • configure: Configure (generates) the projects into _Build/_Projects
  • compile: Compiles all projects into _Build/_Projects
  • documentation: Builds the documentation into _Build/_Documentation
  • coverage: Builds the clang source coverage into _Build/_Coverage


Configure project, generating them:

./ build configure

Possible Output:

~/Developer/Projects/SC > ./ build configure
Compiling SC-build.cpp
Linking SC-build
Starting SC-build
SC-build "configure" started
librarySource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC"
toolSource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/Tools"
toolDestination = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build"
projects = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Projects"
outputs = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Outputs"
intermediates = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Intermediates"
SC-build "configure" finished (took 72 ms)
~/Developer/Projects/SC >

Build all projects

./ build compile

Possible Output:

~/Developer/Projects/SC > ./ build compile
Starting SC-build
SC-build "compile" started
librarySource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC"
toolSource = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/Tools"
toolDestination = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build"
projects = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Projects"
outputs = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Outputs"
intermediates = "/Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Intermediates"
/Applications/ clean
Cleaning SCTest
Creating /Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Projects/Make/../../_Intermediates/SCTest/macOS-arm64-make-clang-Debug
Creating /Users/user/Developer/Projects/SC/_Build/_Projects/Make/../../_Outputs/macOS-arm64-make-clang-Debug
Compiling Async.cpp
Compiling AsyncTest.cpp
Compiling BuildTest.cpp
... other files..
Compiling DebugVisualizersTest.cpp
Compiling SC-format.cpp
Compiling ToolsTest.cpp
Compiling SC-package.cpp
Generate compile_commands.json
Linking SCTest
SC-build "compile" finished (took 3071 ms)


SC-package downloads third party tools needed for Sane C++ development (example: clang-format).
Proper OS / Architecture combination is selected (Windows/Linux/Mac and Intel/ARM) and all downloaded files (packages) MD5 hash is checked for correctness.
Packages are placed and extracted in _Build/_Packages and once extracted, they are symlinked in _Build/Tools.

Directory naming has been chosen to avoid clashes when mounting the same working copy folder in multiple concurrent virtual machines with different Operating Systems / architectures.
This happens during regular development, where new code is frequently tested in parallel on macOS, Windows and Linux before even committing it and pushing it to the CI system.


  • install: Downloads requires tools (LLVM / 7zip)


./ package install


These are the packages that are currently downloaded and extracted / symlinked by SC-package.cpp:

  • LLVM 15: Downloads LLVM from the official github repository
  • 7zip: 7zip executable (needed to decompress LLVM installer on Windows)
  • 7zr.exe: 7Zip console executable (needed to decompress 7zip installer on Windows)
  • doxygen: Doxygen documentation generator
  • doxygen-awesome-css: Doxygen awesome css (Doxygen theme)


SC-format tool formats or checks formatting for all files in Sane C++ repository


  • execute: Formats all source files in the repository in-place
  • check: Does a dry-run format of all source files. Returns error on unformatted files (used by the CI)


Format all source files in the repository

./ format execute

Check if all source files in the repository are properly formatted

SC.bat format check

How does it work

The bootstrap batch (SC.bat) / bash ( shell scripts are doing the following:

  • Two .cpp files are compiled (only if they're out of date) by a Makefile
    • Tools/Tools.cpp file
      • Includes the SC.cpp unity build file, defining main(argc, argv)
    • $TOOL.cpp file
      • Implements the specific tool functionality
  • The first argument after $TOOL name is the main $ACTION by convention
  • $ACTION and all $PARAM_X arguments passed to the bootstrap shell scripts are forwarded to the tool
  • The resulting executable is run with the forwarded arguments


Tools.cpp is shared between all compiled tools by the Makefile inside the _Build/_Tools/_Intermediates directory.
This allows modifying and recompiling a script, or compiling different scripts spending negligible (often sub-second) time, to just compile/link script logic.
This is because all Sane C++ Libraries are compiled just once (the first time, in no more than a couple of seconds) inside Tools.cpp.


  • Generate ready made .vscode configurations to debug the programs easily
  • When and if SC::Build will be capable of launching build commands autonomously, get rid of the tool Tools\Build\ makefiles.
  • Investigate better way of expressing the dependencies chain between scripts
  • Investigate if Tools (scripts) can be sandboxed using os facilities
  • Do not require to have a C++ toolchain already installed on the system [*]

[*] Running the Sane C++ Tools scripts on a machine without a pre-installed compiler could be implemented by shipping a pre-compiled SC-package.cpp (that is already capable of downloading clang on all platforms) or by adding to the bootstrap script ability to download a suitable compiler (and sysroot).