Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries
Compiler Macros

Compiler Macros Preprocessor macros to detect compiler and platform features. More...


 Assert expression e to be true. More...
#define SC_ASSERT_DEBUG(e)   (void)0
 Assert expression e to be true. More...
 Flag indicating Clang compiler. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_GCC   1
 Flag indicating GCC compiler. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_MSVC   0
 Flag indicating MSVC compiler. More...
 Flag indicating non-Clang-CL (MSVC) compiler. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_FORCE_INLINE   __attribute__((always_inline)) inline
 Macro for forcing inline functions. More...
 Define compiler-specific export macros for DLL visibility. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_EXPORT    __attribute__((visibility("default")))
 Macro for symbol visibility in non-MSVC compilers. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_ASAN   0
 Evaluates to true (1) if ASAN is active. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_WARNING_POP   _Pragma("warning(pop)")
 Pops warning from inside a macro. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_OFFSETOF(Class, Field)   __builtin_offsetof(Class, Field)
 Returns offset of Class::Field in bytes. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_FIELD_OFFSET(Class, Field, Value)    SC::fieldOffset<SC_COMPILER_OFFSETOF(Class, Field), Class, decltype(Class::Field)>(Value);
 Disables invalid-offsetof gcc and clang warning. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_UNUSED(param)   ((void)param)
 Silence an unused variable or unused parameter warning. More...
#define SC_COMPILER_WARNING_PUSH_UNUSED_RESULT    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-result\"")
 Disables unused-result warning (due to ignoring a return value marked as [[nodiscard]]) More...
#define SC_LANGUAGE_CPP_VERSION   __cplusplus
 SC_LANGUAGE_FORCE_STANDARD_CPP == 14, 17 or 20 to force a specific C++ standard version (202002L, 201703L or 201402L) More...
 True (1) if C++ standard is < C++ 20. More...
 True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 20. More...
 True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 17. More...
 True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 14. More...
 True (1) if debug configuration is active (_DEBUG==1 or DEBUG==1) More...
 True (1) if release configuration is active (!(_DEBUG==1 or DEBUG==1)) More...

Detailed Description

Compiler Macros Preprocessor macros to detect compiler and platform features.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SC_ASSERT_DEBUG (   e)    (void)0

#include <Assert.h>

Assert expression e to be true.

If Failed, prints the failed assertion with backtrace, breaks debugger and exits (-1). Only active under SC_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG configuration, and defined to empty otherwise


#define SC_ASSERT_RELEASE (   e)

#include <Assert.h>

if (!(e)) \
{ \
SC::Assert::print(#e, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__); \
} \
static void exit(int code)
Exits current process.
static bool printBacktrace()
Prints backtrace (call stack) of the caller to standard output.
static void print(const char *expression, const char *filename, const char *functionName, int lineNumber)
Prints an assertion to standard output.

Assert expression e to be true.

If Failed, prints the failed assertion with backtrace, breaks debugger and exits (-1)


#define SC_COMPILER_ASAN   0

#include <Compiler.h>

Evaluates to true (1) if ASAN is active.

Flag indicating the absence of Address Sanitizer (ASAN).



#include <Compiler.h>

Flag indicating Clang compiler.



#include <Compiler.h>

Flag indicating non-Clang-CL (MSVC) compiler.


#define SC_COMPILER_EXPORT    __attribute__((visibility("default")))

#include <Compiler.h>

Macro for symbol visibility in non-MSVC compilers.



#include <Compiler.h>

Define compiler-specific export macros for DLL visibility.


#define SC_COMPILER_FORCE_INLINE   __attribute__((always_inline)) inline

#include <Compiler.h>

Macro for forcing inline functions.


#define SC_COMPILER_GCC   1

#include <Compiler.h>

Flag indicating GCC compiler.


#define SC_COMPILER_MSVC   0

#include <Compiler.h>

Flag indicating MSVC compiler.


#define SC_COMPILER_OFFSETOF (   Class,
)    __builtin_offsetof(Class, Field)

#include <Compiler.h>

Returns offset of Class::Field in bytes.


#define SC_COMPILER_UNUSED (   param)    ((void)param)

#include <Compiler.h>

Silence an unused variable or unused parameter warning.


#define SC_COMPILER_WARNING_POP   _Pragma("warning(pop)")

#include <Compiler.h>

Pops warning from inside a macro.



#include <Compiler.h>

_Pragma("GCC diagnostic push"); \
_Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Winvalid-offsetof\"");

Disables invalid-offsetof gcc and clang warning.


#define SC_COMPILER_WARNING_PUSH_UNUSED_RESULT    _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push") _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wunused-result\"")

#include <Compiler.h>

Disables unused-result warning (due to ignoring a return value marked as [[nodiscard]])



#include <Platform.h>

True (1) if debug configuration is active (_DEBUG==1 or DEBUG==1)



#include <Platform.h>

True (1) if release configuration is active (!(_DEBUG==1 or DEBUG==1))



#include <Compiler.h>

True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 14.



#include <Compiler.h>

True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 17.



#include <Compiler.h>

True (1) if C++ standard is <= C++ 20.



#include <Compiler.h>

True (1) if C++ standard is < C++ 20.


#define SC_LANGUAGE_CPP_VERSION   __cplusplus

#include <Compiler.h>

SC_LANGUAGE_FORCE_STANDARD_CPP == 14, 17 or 20 to force a specific C++ standard version (202002L, 201703L or 201402L)

Macro to check __cplusplus properly on MSVC