Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

🟩 Create child processes and chain them (also usable with Async library)

Process allows launching, chaining input and output, setting working directory and environment variables of child processes.


Class Description
SC::Process Execute a child process with standard file descriptors redirection.
SC::ProcessChain Execute multiple child processes chaining input / output between them.
SC::ProcessEnvironment Reads current process environment variables.


🟩 Usable
Library is being used in SC::Plugin and in SC::Tools.


The SC::Process class is used when handling a process in isolation, while the SC::ProcessChain is used when there is need to chain inputs and outputs of multiple processes together.


Execute a child process with standard file descriptors redirection.

  • Redirect standard in/out/err of a child process to a Pipe
  • Inherit child process file descriptors from parent process
  • Ignore (silence) child process standard file descriptor
  • Wait for the child process exit code

Example: execute child process (launch and wait for it to fully execute)

// Example: execute child process (launch and wait for it to fully execute)
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"cmd.exe", "-h"}));
#define SC_TRY(expression)
Checks the value of the given expression and if failed, returns this value to caller.
Definition: Result.h:47

Example: execute child process, redirecting stdout to a string

// Example: execute child process, redirecting stdout to a string
SmallString<256> output; // could be also just String
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"where.exe", "winver"}, output));
// Output now contains "C:\Windows\System32\winver.exe\n"

Example: launch a child process and wait for it to finish execution

// Example: launch a child process and explicitly wait for it to finish execution
Process process;
SC_TRY(process.launch({"ls", "-l"}));
// ...
// Here you can do I/O to and from the spawned process
// ...
// This is equivalent to process.exec({"ls", "-l"})

Example: execute child process, filling its stdin with a StringView

// Example: execute child process, filling its stdin with a StringView
// This is equivalent of shell command:
// `echo "child process" | grep process`
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"grep", "process"}, Process::StdOut::Inherit(), "child proc"));

Example: read process output using a pipe, using launch + waitForExitSync

// Example: read process output using a pipe, using launch + waitForExitSync
Process process;
PipeDescriptor outputPipe;
SC_TRY(process.launch({"executable.exe", "--argument1", "--argument2"}, outputPipe));
String output = StringEncoding::Ascii; // Could also use SmallString<N>
// ... Do something with the 'output' string

Example: Add an environment variable

Process process;
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables plus NewEnvVar
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("NewEnvVar", "SomeValue"));
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// We can check that the NewEnvVar has been set to SomeValue
// PATH env var exists because we are inheriting environment
#define SC_TEST_EXPECT(e)
Records a test expectation (eventually aborting or breaking o n failed test)
Definition: Testing.h:113

Example: Redefine an environment variable

Process process;
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables but we re-define PATH
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("PATH", "/usr/sane_cpp_binaries"));
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// PATH env var has been re-defined

Example: Disable environment variable inheritance

Process process;
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// PATH env var doesn't exist because of Process::inheritParentEnvironmentVariables(false)
SC_TEST_EXPECT(not output.view().containsString("PATH="));


Execute multiple child processes chaining input / output between them.
Chains multiple child processes together, so that the output of a process becomes input of another (similar to what happens wit the pipe (|) operator on Posix shells).

SC::PipeDescriptor from File library is used to chain read / write endpoints of different processes together.

Example: Inherit stdout file descriptor

// Executes two processes piping output of process p1 to input of process p2.
// Then reads the output of the last process in the chain and check its correctness.
ProcessChain chain;
Process p1, p2;
// Print "Salve\nDoctori" on Windows and Posix and then grep for "Doc"
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "Doctori\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"cmd", "/C", "echo", "Salve", "&", "echo", "Doctori"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"findstr", "Doc"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "Doctori\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"echo", "Salve\nDoctori"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"grep", "Doc"}));
String output;
SC_TEST_EXPECT(output == expectedOutput);

Example: Read stderr and stdout into a string

// Executes two processes piping output of process p1 to input of process p2.
// Reads p2 stdout and stderr into a pair of Strings.
ProcessChain chain;
Process p1;
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\where.exe\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"where", "where.exe"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "DOCTORI\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"echo", "DOCTORI"}));
String stdOut(StringEncoding::Ascii);
String stdErr(StringEncoding::Ascii);
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.exec(stdOut, Process::StdIn::Inherit(), stdErr));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(stdOut == expectedOutput);

Example: Read standard output into a string using a Pipe

// Chain two processes and read the last stdout into a String (using a pipe)
ProcessChain chain;
String output(StringEncoding::Ascii);
Process p1, p2;
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "WHERE [/R dir] [/Q] [/F] [/T] pattern...\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"where", "/?"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"findstr", "dir]"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "sbin\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"ls", "/"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"grep", "sbin"}));
PipeDescriptor outputPipe;
SC_TEST_EXPECT(output == expectedOutput);


Reads current process environment variables. Example: Print all environment variables to stdout

for (size_t idx = 0; idx < environment.size(); ++idx)
StringView name, value;
(void)environment.get(idx, name, value);
if (value.isEmpty())
Reads current process environment variables.
Definition: Process.h:318
bool get(size_t index, StringView &name, StringView &value) const
Get the environmnent variable at given index, returning its name and value.
size_t size() const
Returns the total number of environment variables for current process.
Definition: Process.h:328


🟦 Complete Features:

  • To be defined

💡 Unplanned Features:

  • None so far