Sane C++ Libraries
C++ Platform Abstraction Libraries

🟩 Create child processes and chain them (also usable with Async library)

Process allows launching, chaining input and output, setting working directory and environment variables of child processes.

Quick Sheet

// 1. Execute child process (launch and wait for it to fully execute)
Process().exec({"cmd-exe", "-h"});
// 2. Execute child process, redirecting stdout to a string
SmallString<256> output; // could be also just String
Process().exec({"where-exe", "winver"}, output);
// 3. Launch a child process and explicitly wait for it to finish execution
Process process;
// This is equivalent to process.exec({"1s", "-l"))
process.launch({"ls", "-l"});
// ...
// Here you can do I/0 to and from the spawned process
// ...
// 4. Execute child process, filling its stdin with a StringView
// This is equivalent of shell command: `echo "child proc" | grep process`
Process().exec({"grep", "process"}, Process::StdOut::Inherit(), "child proc");
// 5. Read process output using a pipe, using launch + waitForExitSync
Process process;
PipeDescriptor outputPipe;
process.launch({"executable.exe", "—argument1", "-argument2"}, outputPipe);
String output = StringEncoding::Ascii; // Could also use SmallString<N>
process.waitForExitSync(); // call process-getExitStatus() for status code
// 6. Executes two processes piping p1 output to p2 input
Process p1, p2;
ProcessChain chain;
chain.pipe(p1, {"echo", "Salve\nDoctori"});
chain.pipe(p2, {"grep", "Doc"});
// Read the output of the last process in the chain
String output;
SC_ASSERT_RELEASE(output == "Doctori\n");
// 7. Set an environment var and current directory for child process
Process process;
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables plus NewEnvVar
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("NewEnvVar", "SomeValue"));
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables but we re-define PATH
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("PATH", "/usr/sane_cpp_binaries"));
// Set the current working directory
Assert expression e to be true.
Definition: Assert.h:66
#define SC_TEST_EXPECT(e)
Records a test expectation (eventually aborting or breaking o n failed test)
Definition: Testing.h:113


Class Description
SC::Process Execute a child process with standard file descriptors redirection.
SC::ProcessChain Execute multiple child processes chaining input / output between them.
SC::ProcessEnvironment Reads current process environment variables.


🟩 Usable
Library is being used in SC::Plugin and in SC::Tools.


The SC::Process class is used when handling a process in isolation, while the SC::ProcessChain is used when there is need to chain inputs and outputs of multiple processes together.


This is the list of videos that have been recorded showing some of the internal thoughts that have been going into this library:


Some relevant blog posts are:


Execute a child process with standard file descriptors redirection.

  • Redirect standard in/out/err of a child process to a Pipe
  • Inherit child process file descriptors from parent process
  • Ignore (silence) child process standard file descriptor
  • Wait for the child process exit code

Example: execute child process (launch and wait for it to fully execute)

// Example: execute child process (launch and wait for it to fully execute)
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"cmd.exe", "-h"}));
#define SC_TRY(expression)
Checks the value of the given expression and if failed, returns this value to caller.
Definition: Result.h:48

Example: execute child process, redirecting stdout to a string

// Example: execute child process, redirecting stdout to a string
SmallString<256> output; // could be also just String
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"where.exe", "winver"}, output));
// Output now contains "C:\Windows\System32\winver.exe\n"

Example: launch a child process and wait for it to finish execution

// Example: launch a child process and explicitly wait for it to finish execution
Process process;
SC_TRY(process.launch({"ls", "-l"}));
// ...
// Here you can do I/O to and from the spawned process
// ...
// This is equivalent to process.exec({"ls", "-l"})

Example: execute child process, filling its stdin with a StringView

// Example: execute child process, filling its stdin with a StringView
// This is equivalent of shell command:
// `echo "child process" | grep process`
SC_TRY(Process().exec({"grep", "process"}, Process::StdOut::Inherit(), "child proc"));

Example: read process output using a pipe, using launch + waitForExitSync

// Example: read process output using a pipe, using launch + waitForExitSync
Process process;
PipeDescriptor outputPipe;
SC_TRY(process.launch({"executable.exe", "--argument1", "--argument2"}, outputPipe));
String output = StringEncoding::Ascii; // Could also use SmallString<N>
// ... Do something with the 'output' string

Example: Add an environment variable

Process process;
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables plus NewEnvVar
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("NewEnvVar", "SomeValue"));
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// We can check that the NewEnvVar has been set to SomeValue
// PATH env var exists because we are inheriting environment

Example: Redefine an environment variable

Process process;
// This child process will inherit parent environment variables but we re-define PATH
SC_TEST_EXPECT(process.setEnvironment("PATH", "/usr/sane_cpp_binaries"));
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// PATH env var has been re-defined

Example: Disable environment variable inheritance

Process process;
String output;
// Spawn the child process writing all env variables as KEY=VALUE\n to stdout, redirected to output
SC_TEST_EXPECT(spawnChildAndPrintEnvironmentVars(process, output));
// PATH env var doesn't exist because of Process::inheritParentEnvironmentVariables(false)
SC_TEST_EXPECT(not output.view().containsString("PATH="));


Execute multiple child processes chaining input / output between them.
Chains multiple child processes together, so that the output of a process becomes input of another (similar to what happens wit the pipe (|) operator on Posix shells).

SC::PipeDescriptor from File library is used to chain read / write endpoints of different processes together.

Example: Inherit stdout file descriptor

// Executes two processes piping output of process p1 to input of process p2.
// Then reads the output of the last process in the chain and check its correctness.
ProcessChain chain;
Process p1, p2;
// Print "Salve\nDoctori" on Windows and Posix and then grep for "Doc"
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "Doctori\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"cmd", "/C", "echo", "Salve", "&", "echo", "Doctori"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"findstr", "Doc"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "Doctori\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"echo", "Salve\nDoctori"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"grep", "Doc"}));
String output;
SC_TEST_EXPECT(output == expectedOutput);

Example: Read stderr and stdout into a string

// Executes two processes piping output of process p1 to input of process p2.
// Reads p2 stdout and stderr into a pair of Strings.
ProcessChain chain;
Process p1;
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\where.exe\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"where", "where.exe"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "DOCTORI\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"echo", "DOCTORI"}));
String stdOut(StringEncoding::Ascii);
String stdErr(StringEncoding::Ascii);
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.exec(stdOut, Process::StdIn::Inherit(), stdErr));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(stdOut == expectedOutput);

Example: Read standard output into a string using a Pipe

// Chain two processes and read the last stdout into a String (using a pipe)
ProcessChain chain;
String output(StringEncoding::Ascii);
Process p1, p2;
StringView expectedOutput;
switch (HostPlatform)
case Platform::Windows: {
expectedOutput = "WHERE [/R dir] [/Q] [/F] [/T] pattern...\r\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"where", "/?"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"findstr", "dir]"}));
default: { // Posix
expectedOutput = "sbin\n";
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p1, {"ls", "/"}));
SC_TEST_EXPECT(chain.pipe(p2, {"grep", "sbin"}));
PipeDescriptor outputPipe;


Reads current process environment variables. Example: Print all environment variables to stdout

for (size_t idx = 0; idx < environment.size(); ++idx)
StringView name, value;
(void)environment.get(idx, name, value);
if (value.isEmpty())
Reads current process environment variables.
Definition: Process.h:329
bool get(size_t index, StringView &name, StringView &value) const
Get the environment variable at given index, returning its name and value.
size_t size() const
Returns the total number of environment variables for current process.
Definition: Process.h:339


🟦 Complete Features:

  • To be defined

💡 Unplanned Features:

  • None so far