4#include "../Containers/SmallVector.h"
5#include "../Containers/VectorMap.h"
6#include "../Foundation/Function.h"
7#include "../Strings/String.h"
8#include "../Time/Time.h"
9#include "Internal/DynamicLibrary.h"
13struct PluginDefinition;
17struct PluginDynamicLibrary;
19struct PluginCompilerEnvironment;
22using PluginIdentifier = SmallString<30>;
95 size_t pluginFileIndex = 0;
196 template <
typename T>
199 if (pluginQueryInterface and instance !=
201 return pluginQueryInterface(instance, T::InterfaceHash,
209 void* instance =
210 bool (*pluginInit)(
void*& instance) =
211 bool (*pluginClose)(
void* instance) =
213 bool (*pluginQueryInterface)(
void* instance,
uint32_t hash,
void** instanceInterface) =
215 friend struct PluginRegistry;
216 [[nodiscard]] Result load(
const PluginCompiler& compiler,
const PluginSysroot& sysroot, StringView executablePath);
217 [[nodiscard]] Result unload();
247 LoadMode loadMode = LoadMode::Load);
273 return libraries.items[index].value;
unsigned int uint32_t
Platform independent (4) bytes unsigned int.
Definition: PrimitiveTypes.h:38
@ Native
Encoding is UTF8.
Wraps function pointers, member functions and lambdas without ever allocating.
Definition: Function.h:19
Reads and holds CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environment variables, mainly to pass down sysroot location.
Definition: Plugin.h:176
Compiles a plugin to a dynamic library.
Definition: Plugin.h:111
SmallVector< StringNative< 256 >, 8 > includePaths
Path to include directories used to compile plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:142
SmallVector< StringNative< 256 >, 8 > compilerIncludePaths
Path to compiler include directories.
Definition: Plugin.h:144
SmallVector< StringNative< 256 >, 8 > compilerLibraryPaths
Path to compiler library directories.
Definition: Plugin.h:145
StringNative< 256 > compilerPath
Path to the compiler.
Definition: Plugin.h:139
Type type
Compile Type.
Definition: Plugin.h:138
Result compile(const PluginDefinition &definition, const PluginSysroot &sysroot, const PluginCompilerEnvironment &environment, String &compilerLog) const
Compiles a Definition to an object file.
Compiler type (clang/gcc/msvc)
Definition: Plugin.h:133
static Result findBestCompiler(PluginCompiler &compiler)
Look for best compiler on current system.
StringNative< 256 > linkerPath
Path to the linker.
Definition: Plugin.h:140
Result link(const PluginDefinition &definition, const PluginSysroot &sysroot, const PluginCompilerEnvironment &environment, StringView executablePath, String &linkerLog) const
Links a Definition into a dynamic library, with symbols from executablePath
Plugin description, category, dependencies, files and directory location.
Definition: Plugin.h:52
Result getDynamicLibraryAbsolutePath(String &fullDynamicPath) const
Gets absolute path of where compiled dynamic library will exist after plugin is compiled.
SmallString< 255 > description
Long description of plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:54
SmallVector< PluginIdentifier, 8 > dependencies
Dependencies necessary to load this plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:58
PluginIdentity identity
Uniquely identifier a plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:53
static bool find(const StringView text, StringView &extracted)
Extracts the plugin definition (SC_BEGIN_PLUGIN / SC_END_PLUGIN) comment from a .cpp file.
const PluginFile & getMainPluginFile() const
Get main plugin file, holding plugin definition.
Definition: Plugin.h:68
SmallString< 255 > directory
Path to the directory holding the plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:56
Result getDynamicLibraryPDBAbsolutePath(String &fullDynamicPath) const
Gets absolute path of where compiled Program Database File will exist after plugin is compiled.
SmallVector< PluginFile, 10 > files
Source files that compose this plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:60
static bool parse(StringView text, PluginDefinition &pluginDefinition)
Parses an extracted plugin definition text.
SmallVector< SmallString< 10 >, 8 > build
Build options.
Definition: Plugin.h:59
SmallString< 10 > category
Category where plugin belongs to.
Definition: Plugin.h:55
PluginFile & getMainPluginFile()
Get main plugin file, holding plugin definition.
Definition: Plugin.h:64
A plugin dynamic library loaded from a SC::PluginRegistry.
Definition: Plugin.h:186
String lastErrorLog
Last error log of compiler / linker (if any)
Definition: Plugin.h:191
Time::Absolute lastLoadTime
Last time when this plugin was last loaded.
Definition: Plugin.h:189
SystemDynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary
System handle of plugin's dynamic library.
Definition: Plugin.h:188
PluginDefinition definition
Definition of the loaded plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:187
uint32_t numReloads
Number of times that the plugin has been hot-reloaded.
Definition: Plugin.h:190
bool queryInterface(T *&outInterface) const
Try to obtain a given interface as exported by a plugin through SC_PLUGIN_EXPORT_INTERFACES macro.
Definition: Plugin.h:197
Holds path to a given plugin source file.
Definition: Plugin.h:33
SmallString< 255 > absolutePath
Absolute path to a plugin source file.
Definition: Plugin.h:34
Represents the unique signature / identity of a Plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:39
bool operator==(const PluginIdentity &other) const
Compares two plugins on Identity::identifier.
Definition: Plugin.h:47
SmallString< 10 > version
Plugin version (x.y.z)
Definition: Plugin.h:42
PluginIdentifier identifier
Unique string identifying the plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:40
SmallString< 30 > name
Plugin name.
Definition: Plugin.h:41
Holds a registry of plugins, loading and compiling them on the fly.
Definition: Plugin.h:222
Instructs loadPlugin to Load or Reload the plugin.
Definition: Plugin.h:233
Result unloadPlugin(const StringView identifier)
Unloads an already loaded plugin by its identifier.
Result loadPlugin(const StringView identifier, const PluginCompiler &compiler, const PluginSysroot &sysroot, StringView executablePath, LoadMode loadMode=LoadMode::Load)
Loads a plugin with given identifier, compiling it with given PluginCompiler.
size_t getNumberOfEntries() const
Returns the total number of registry entries (counting both loaded and unloaded plugins)
Definition: Plugin.h:265
Result removeAllBuildProducts(const StringView identifier)
Removes all temporary build products of the Plugin with given identifier.
const PluginDynamicLibrary * findPlugin(const StringView identifier)
Find a PluginDynamicLibrary in the registry with a given identifier.
const PluginDynamicLibrary & getPluginDynamicLibraryAt(size_t index)
Returns the PluginIdentifier corresponding to the index entry of the registry.
Definition: Plugin.h:271
Result close()
Unregisters all plugins.
const PluginIdentifier & getIdentifierAt(size_t index) const
Returns the PluginIdentifier corresponding to the index entry of the registry.
Definition: Plugin.h:268
Result replaceDefinitions(Vector< PluginDefinition > &&definitions)
Appends the definitions to registry.
void getPluginsToReloadBecauseOf(StringView relativePath, Time::Milliseconds tolerance, Function< void(const PluginIdentifier &)> onPlugin)
Enumerates all plugins that must be reloaded when relativePath is modified.
Scans a directory for PluginDefinition.
Definition: Plugin.h:101
static Result scanDirectory(const StringView directory, Vector< PluginDefinition > &definitions)
Scans a directory for PluginDefinition.
Holds include and library paths for a system toolchain, used to let plugins link to libc and libc++.
Definition: Plugin.h:161
SmallVector< StringNative< 256 >, 8 > includePaths
Path to system include directories.
Definition: Plugin.h:162
static Result findBestSysroot(PluginCompiler::Type compiler, PluginSysroot &sysroot)
Finds a reasonable sysroot for the given compiler.
SmallVector< StringNative< 256 >, 8 > libraryPaths
Path to system library directories.
Definition: Plugin.h:163
StringNative< 256 > isysroot
Path to sysroot include (optional)
Definition: Plugin.h:165
An ascii string used as boolean result. SC_TRY macro forwards errors to caller.
Definition: Result.h:12
String with compile time configurable inline storage (small string optimization)
Definition: String.h:168
A Vector that can hold up to N elements inline and > N on heap.
Definition: SmallVector.h:26
A non-modifiable owning string with associated encoding.
Definition: String.h:29
A string iterator for ASCII strings.
Definition: StringIterator.h:245
Non-owning view over a range of characters with UTF Encoding.
Definition: StringView.h:47
Absolute time as realtime or monotonically increasing clock.
Definition: Time.h:114
Type-safe wrapper of uint64 used to represent milliseconds.
Definition: Time.h:44
A contiguous sequence of heap allocated elements.
Definition: Vector.h:257
A map holding VectorMapItem key-value pairs in an unsorted Vector.
Definition: VectorMap.h:33