5#include "../Foundation/Function.h"
6#include "../Foundation/Result.h"
7#include "../Foundation/Span.h"
8#include "../Foundation/StrongID.h"
9#include "Internal/CircularQueue.h"
10#include "Internal/Event.h"
108 static constexpr int MaxListeners = 8;
110 Event<MaxListeners, Result> eventError;
133 [[nodiscard]]
bool isEnded()
const {
return state == State::Ended; }
174 State state = State::Stopped;
178 CircularQueue<Request> readQueue;
200 static constexpr int MaxListeners = 8;
202 Event<MaxListeners, Result> eventError;
258 void stop() { state = State::Stopped; }
268 State state = State::Stopped;
270 AsyncBuffersPool* buffers =
272 CircularQueue<Request> writeQueue;
290 void afterFinalize(
Span<char> outputAfter,
bool streamEnded);
307 bool canEndTransform();
318 State state = State::None;
330 static constexpr int MaxListeners = 8;
338 Event<MaxListeners, Result> eventError;
362 void emitError(
Result res);
363 Result checkBuffersPool();
int int32_t
Platform independent (4) bytes signed int.
Definition: PrimitiveTypes.h:46
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:51
A Span of bytes memory to be read or written by async streams.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:49
Holds a Span of AsyncBufferView (allocated by user) holding available memory for the streams.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:66
void refBuffer(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID)
Increments a buffer reference count.
AsyncBufferView * getBuffer(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID)
Access the raw AsyncBufferView (if any) at a given bufferID (or nullptr if invalid)
Result getData(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, Span< char > &data)
Access data span owned by the buffer.
void setNewBufferSize(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, size_t newSizeInBytes)
Sets the new size in bytes for the buffer.
Result requestNewBuffer(size_t minimumSizeInBytes, AsyncBufferView::ID &bufferID, Span< char > &data)
Requests a new available buffer that is at least minimumSizeInBytes, incrementing its refcount.
Span< AsyncBufferView > buffers
Span of buffers to be filled in by the user.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:68
void unrefBuffer(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID)
Decrements a buffer reference count.
Result getData(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, Span< const char > &data)
Access data span owned by the buffer.
A stream that can both produce and consume buffers.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:277
Pipes reads on SC::AsyncReadableStream to SC::AsyncWritableStream.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:329
bool unpipe()
Unregisters all events from source, transforms ans sinks.
Result pipe(AsyncReadableStream &asyncSource, Span< AsyncDuplexStream * > asyncTransforms, Span< AsyncWritableStream * > asyncSinks)
Inits the pipeline with a source, transforms and some writable sinks.
Result start()
Starts the pipeline.
Result pipe(AsyncReadableStream &asyncSource, Span< AsyncWritableStream * > asyncSinks)
Reports errors by source, transforms or sinks.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:102
Async source abstraction emitting data events in caller provided byte buffers.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:100
void pushEnd()
Use pushEnd from inside AsyncReadableStream::asyncRead to signal production end.
void emitError(Result error)
Signals an async error received.
void resumeReading()
Resumes the readable stream paused by AsyncReadableStream::pause.
Event< MaxListeners > eventEnd
Emitted when a new buffer has been read.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:112
Event< MaxListeners > eventClose
Emitted when there is no more data.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:113
Event< MaxListeners, AsyncBufferView::ID > eventData
Emitted when an error occurs.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:111
AsyncBuffersPool & getBuffersPool()
Obtains the AsyncBuffersPool to request more buffers.
Result init(AsyncBuffersPool &buffersPool, Span< Request > requests)
Emitted when the underlying resource has been closed.
void destroy()
Forcefully destroys the readable stream before it's end event releasing all resources.
void push(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, size_t newSize)
Use push from inside AsyncReadableStream::asyncRead function to queue received data.
bool getBufferOrPause(size_t minumumSizeInBytes, AsyncBufferView::ID &bufferID, Span< char > &data)
Returns an unused buffer from pool or pauses the stream if none is available.
bool isEnded() const
Returns true if the stream is ended (AsyncReadableStream::end has been called)
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:133
void reactivate(bool doReactivate)
Use reactivate(true) from inside AsyncReadableStream::asyncRead function to ask the state machine to ...
void pause()
Pauses the readable stream (that can be later resumed)
Result start()
Starts the readable stream, that will emit eventData.
Function< Result()> asyncRead
Function that every stream must define to implement its custom read operation.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:106
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:195
Async destination abstraction where bytes can be written to.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:190
Event< MaxListeners > eventFinish
Emitted when write queue is empty.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:204
Result write(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, Function< void(AsyncBufferView::ID)> cb={})
Writes a buffer (that must be allocated by the AsyncBuffersPool passed in AsyncWritableStream) When t...
void end()
Ends the writable stream, waiting for all in-flight and queued writes to finish.
void emitError(Result error)
Signals an async error received.
Event< MaxListeners > eventDrain
Emitted when an error occurs.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:203
void resumeWriting()
Resumes writing queued requests for this stream.
void finishedWriting(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, Function< void(AsyncBufferView::ID)> &&cb, Result res)
Signals that the given buffer (previously queued by write) has been fully written.
Function< Result(AsyncBufferView::ID, Function< void(AsyncBufferView::ID)>)> asyncWrite
Function that every stream must define to implement its custom write operation.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:192
Result write(const char(&str)[N])
Write a C-string literal in the stream.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:226
void tryAsync(Result potentialError)
Will emit error if the passed in Result is false.
Result init(AsyncBuffersPool &buffersPool, Span< Request > requests)
Emitted when no more data can be written.
Function< bool()> canEndWritable
Allows keeping a writable in ENDING state until it has finished flushing all pending data.
Definition: AsyncStreams.h:253
Result unshift(AsyncBufferView::ID bufferID, Function< void(AsyncBufferView::ID)> &&cb)
Puts back a buffer at the top of the write queue.
AsyncBuffersPool & getBuffersPool()
Obtains the buffers pool to access its data.
Result write(Span< const char > data, Function< void(AsyncBufferView::ID)> cb={})
Try requesting a buffer big enough and copy data into it.
Wraps function pointers, member functions and lambdas without ever allocating.
Definition: Function.h:19
An ascii string used as boolean result. SC_TRY macro forwards errors to caller.
Definition: Result.h:12
View over a contiguous sequence of items (pointer + size in elements).
Definition: Span.h:24